CSC Update: January 2024

CSC Update is a regular communication from Campus Stores Canada to keep members informed of industry updates and CSC’s current projects and initiatives.



What’s ahead:


Join us on January 18th at noon Eastern Time. This is a meeting for primary voting members of CSC to review the 2022-2023 year together.

January 18: Getting the most from the show

The Campus Stores Canada team will be giving you all the insights into how to use the show to your full advantage. If you have questions, we have the answers! Join us for a quick session as we get prepared for the conference. Join as at 1:00 pm Eastern Time.


This year’s Campus Stores Conference is for everyone! Join us on January 29 - February 1, 2024 at the Le Centre Sheraton in Montreal, Quebec for education, trade show, and networking. Registration for CSC Members is $299 and includes education sessions, guided tours of campus stores, and plenty of time for working with your peers across Canada.

All of the Conference Sessions


MONDAY, JANUARY 29, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Benefits Beyond the Bottom Line: Celebrating Store Success

Do you sometimes struggle to explain to campus colleagues what your store contributes to the campus beyond the obvious “books and swag”? Explore ways to articulate your ROI (return on investment) and celebrate the qualitative as well as the quantitative benefits that your store brings. While a “thriving” store is often measured only by its financial profitability, it is also a key contributor to institutional brand recognition, can be the go-to for daily needs and snacks and a friendly face, and strengthens relationships among faculty and students though textbook and course material provision. This focus on enhancing and supporting campus members’ relationship with their institution is intangible but priceless. In this session we will take a fresh look at what success is, why independence is a core and justifiable element of that success, and how you can articulate you own store’s “benefits beyond the bottom line”.

In addition to this topic, we will open the floor up to other topics that members bring forward.

The Summit Meeting is meant for Store Managers and Directors – those who are the key decision makers for their store.


Monday, January 29, from 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Our first chance to be together in person in over a year! This time it will be at Le Centre Sheraton in beautiful, downtown Montreal. Join us for some light food, drinks, networking, fun and games!

Why Strategy Matters: A Guide to Strategic Planning for Operations of All Sizes

tuesday, january 30, from 9:00 - 10:00 AM

University of Toronto Press (“UTP”, the parent organization of the UofT Bookstore) overhauled and renewed its strategic direction just over a year ago. The resulting strategic plan has created a pathway into the future, but how does it translate into practical actions and inform the allocation of limited resources?

This presentation highlights the importance of right-sizing business and focusing on profitability. We will discuss how, in the changing business landscape, you can increase operational efficiency by leveraging emerging retail trends and learning from your customer base. The UofT Bookstore operates 5 stores, and we will explore how our own strategic plan was adapted to serve the unique needs of our large flagship operation compared to our smaller satellite stores. We will also share templates for commercial planning and store planning.

Profitability, KPI, and the future, oh my! Retail math for Everyone.

Tuesday, January 30, From 1:00 Pm - 1:45 pm

Is your store profitable? Do you know what Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you should be monitoring? How can you prepare for future shifts in the collegiate retail landscape? This retail math plenary course will take a holistic store approach to help answer these questions and more.


Tuesday, January 30, From 2:15 - 5:00 PM

We’re heading off to tour the Le James store at McGill University AND the bookstore at HEC Montréal! We’ll get to see both of these shining examples of post-secondary campus stores. Our tour of HEC Montréal will be lead by Paul Rondeau of COOPSCO and will give all of us a unique look into how the co-operative works together to share expertise, experience, and understanding to operate their retail. At McGill University, Jason Kack and his lovely staff will be on site to talk through how their operations work. We’ll even get to enjoy some complimentary food and drink from the McGill Ancillary Services Team! Thanks McGill!

The tours will travel to both locations. One bus will head to each location and then we’ll swap. There will be a small amount of outdoor travel and it will be January in Montreal, so be sure to bring your toque.

Trade Show

Breakout Sessions

Course Materials

Clarity in Course Material Terminology - Tuesday, January 30, 10:15 - 11:00 AM

Speed Dating on Industry Topics - Tuesday, January 30, 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM

Perspectives on the Evolving Course Material Landscape -
Wednesday, January 31, 8:00 - 9:30 AM

Future Proofing Your Bookstore - Wednesday, January 31, 10:00 - 11:30 AM

General Merchandise

Hot Products Showcase - Tuesday, January 30, 10:15 - 11:00 AM

Strategies for Growth - Tuesday, January 30, 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM

Speed Pitch - Wednesday, January 31, 8:00 - 9:30 AM

Thanks so much to all our sponsors!

Newspapers being printed

Member and Industry News

This section of our CSC Update is a place where we can share your news. Share with us information including who is retiring from your store, who is new to your store, what is happening in the industry, share an interesting article you think other members should see.  Please email information you would like highlighted in our next CSC Update.

News for this month!

Recent Posts in Member Space

  • Do you have Gas Trade 2 and Gas Trade 3 from CSA? What about Oil Burner 2 and Oil Burner Technician 3 Student Manuals from TSSA? Let Jessica Montgomery of Algonquin College know!

  • Sam Willis of Lakeland College is wondering about your experience in Lioncrest Publishing

If you have questions you can get answers as well! Email for course materials questions, for general merchandise questions, or to reach everyone!

Happy to Help!

If you have any questions, need support, or are interested in becoming more involved with CSC, you can email me at or call me at 1 (888) 288-4044.


CSC Update: February 2024


CSC Update: DECEMBER 2023