Campus Stores Conference 2025
Niagara Falls
January 27 - January 30, 2025
Sheraton Fallsview
Voice of canadian campus stores
Campus stores are an integral part of post-secondary institutions and provide students with the tools they need for success while supporting the campus community.
Campus Stores Canada is the only Canadian organization representing institutionally owned and operated post-secondary campus stores.
We serve our members by delivering education and resources, connecting stores with vendor partners and advocating on behalf of stores with key stakeholders. Our members represent 80 institutions over 11 provinces and territories.
Connect with industry colleagues and search for resources by accessing our online Member Space.
Connect your products and services with our members.
Strength through independence. Join a network of independent stores that provide support, expertise, and insight.
looking to SELL?
Are you interested in connecting your organization with the Canadian campus store industry?
Join us as a vendor partner.